π-conjugated Materials for Modern Applications in
Inorganic and Bioinorganic Model Systems
Dr. J. Sankar
PROFESSOR (October 2019 onwards)
IISER Bhopal
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (June, 2015 - October 2019)
IISER Bhopal
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (June, 2009 - May, 2015)
IISER Bhopal
Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University,
Kyoto, Japan (2008) [Host: Prof. Atsuhiro Osuka]
IIT Kanpur (2006) [Supervisor: Prof. T. K. Chandrashekar]
Madura College, Madurai Kamaraj University (2000)
Vivekananda College, Madurai Kamaraj University (1998)
General Chemistry I (CHM101)
General Chemistry Laboratory (CHM102)
Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory (CHM103)
Symmetry and Group Theory (CHM301)
Transition Metal Chemistry (CHM302)
Chemistry of Main Group Elements (CHM304)
Applications of Modern Physical Methods (CHM602)
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (CHM603)
Bioinorganic Chemistry (CHM605)
Fundamentals of Supramolecular Chemistry (CHM331)
Administrative Experience
Dean of Faculty Affairs, IISER Bhopal, October 2019 -June 2021
Dean Research & Development, IISER Bhopal, Feb 2018 - Oct 2019
Dean of Faculty Affairs, IISER Bhopal, Jan 2017 -Feb 2018
Convener, Indian JSPS Alumni Association, Western Chapter (2009-11)
Member, Language Implementation Committee (2010)
Coordinator, Academic Affairs (2010)
Convenor, Purchase committee, HRMS and MALDI-TOF Procurement and installation, 2011
In-charge, Mass Spectrometer Facility, IISER Bhopal, 2011 - 2017.
Chief Vigilance Officer, IISER Bhopal (2012-15)
Coordinator, Department of Chemistry (2012-13)
Chairman, Security and Executive Advisory Committee (2012)
Convenor, Purchase Committee, EPR and SC-XRD Procurement and installation, 2012
In-charge, EPR Facility, IISER Bhopal, 2012 - 2021
Convener/member, various staff selection committees of IISER Bhopal *
Convener, Departmental Faculty Recruitment Committee, IISER Bhopal (2012-13).
Member, Institute Faculty Recruitment Committee, IISER Bhopal. (2012-13)
Member, Departmental Postgraduate Committee Jan, 2012-Dec, 2013
Member, Rate-contract Committee for Consumables, 2012 onwards *
Convenor, Sub-committee, Convocation, 2013, 2014 and 2015.
Member, DFAC, 2014-15
Member, Departmental Postgraduate Committee, 2015
Member, The Shops and Commercial Establishment Management Committee (SCEMC), IISERB (till August 2019)
Convenor, Departmental Postgraduate Committee, 2016
Hostel Warden, July 2009-June 2010
* denotes currently holding positions