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π-conjugated Materials for Modern Applications in
Inorganic and Bioinorganic Model Systems
Congratulations to Biju for securing the Boya fellowship at the Peking University!
Congratulations to Ruchika for her recent publication in ChemBioChem (April 2018)
Congratulations to Biju for defending his thesis! [March, 2018]
Congratulations to Biju for his recent publication in Angewandte Chemie International Edition (March 2018)
Congratulations to Ruchika and Ramprasad for their recent publication in J mater Chem A (Feb 2018)
Congratulations to Ramprasad for his recent publication in IJCB (Feb 2018)
Prof. Dr. Martin Bröring from Technische Universität Braunschweig visited our lab (January, 2018)
Congratulations to A. Rajasekhar for securing a post-doctral position in Tel Aviv University, Israel. Best wishes! (January, 2018)
Welcome Anupam to The group! (January, 2017 )
Congratulations to A. Rajasekhar for defending his thesis! [September, 2017]
Welcome Rahul to The group! (August, 2017 )
Congratulations to Ramprasad for his first paper (J. Mater. Chem. A) ! [July, 2017]
Congratulations to Ramana for National Postdoctoral Fellowship! [July, 2017]
Congratulations to Murugavel for National Postdoctoral Fellowship! [January, 2017]
Congratulations to Murugavel for defending his thesis!
[December, 2016]
Congratulations to Masood for being selected for INSPIRE Faculty Award!
[August, 2015]
Congratulations to Masood for being selected for Indo-US postdoctoral Fellowship!
[July, 2015]
Biju's work got accepted in Dalton Transactions! Congratulations to Biju!
[October, 2015]
Masood has successfully defended his thesis! Congratulations to Masood [7th September, 2015]
Congratulations to Murugavel for the Best Poster Award at InTeRaCTiONS-IISERB! [September, 2015]
Congratulations to Biju, Murugavel and Ramana for the presentations made at InTeRaCTiONS-IISERB! [September, 2015]
Raja Sekhar's Org. Biomol. Chem. got published. Congrats Adiki. [August, 2015]
Masood's Chem.Commun got published. Congrats Masood. [August, 2015]
Murugavel's work got accepted in Chem. Eur. J. as a HOT ARTICLE. Congratulations Murugavel! [July, 2015]
Sankar promoted to Associate Professor! (1 June, 2015)
Parikshit, Ramprasad and Varun graduated! Congrats and best wishes for your future! (1 June, 2015)
Jyoti joined our group. (Nov, 2014)
Masood has submitted his thesis!(28 May, 2015)
Biju's Inorg. Chem. got accepted. Congratulations Biju! (April, 2015)
Congratulations Varun! CSIR-JRF national Rank 71! Keep it up. (April, 2015)
Masood's open seminar on 24th March, 2014 at 4:00 PM in L-4, LHC. All are welcome.
Ruchika received the Eli-Lilly Outstanding thesis II prize at J-NOST, IIT Madras (Dec, 2014)
The first student graduated from the group. Congratulations Ruchika! (Jun, 2014)
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